Wednesday, September 3, 2014

xProgressivism: A Very Short Introduction By Walter T. K. Nugent (Progressive Era-WWI, Politics)

Progressivism: A Very Short Introduction
By Walter T. K. Nugent

Progressive Era-WWI

The reforms made during the Progressive era are still present today. This was a new time for America in which the people felt that social welfare should come before individual gains.

Specific examples/evidence that supports the thesis:


What does this tell us about Politics in the Progressive Era-WWI?
During this time because of the west and the South, the more agrarian population had more political power. With this power they wanted fight against the corporate monopolies. They made legal changes.
Progressives also felt they should protect people from themselves in whatever way possible, this is what led to prohibition from 1920-1933, this is currently viewed as an attack on personal freedom and the government overstepping its constitutional limits. 
What parts of the book can be applied to lectures?

General Thoughts:

Excerpts from Book Reviews

My Highlighted Passages:
Very soon these would take shape in federal legislation including the four Progressive-era constitutional amendments (the income tax, direct election of U.S. senators, woman suffrage, and prohibition).Read

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